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Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)

At Waterside Primary Academy we recognise that every child has their own needs and abilities.  We embrace our responsibility to ensure each and every child fulfils their potential and experiences success, including children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). 

Our vision is clear ­- we will provide a high-quality and ambitious education for all. Meeting the needs of all students is essential to the aims and principles of the school.

Our commitment is to:

  • Communicate and work closely with parents to ensure a collaborative approach towards fully supporting each child
  • Identify the needs of pupils with SEND as early as possible 
  • Carefully and regularly monitor the progress of all children in order to quickly identify possible SEND needs and barriers to learning 
  • Intervene when progress is less than expected, to ensure that all pupils achieve their full potential
  • Provide a qualified Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCO) 
  • Provide relevant training for all staff through CPD and external courses relevant to the needs of the pupils they work with
  • Work with and maintain relationships with external agencies when the child's needs cannot be met by school alone
  • Provide equality of educational opportunity
  • Make appropriate provision to overcome all barriers to learning and ensure that children with SEND have full access to the curriculum
  • Help children develop their personalities, skills and abilities
  • Operate a “whole child, whole school” approach to the management and provision of support for special educational needs and disabilities. All teachers are required to respond to a child’s learning, social, emotional and mental health needs and set suitable learning challenges. This will incorporate ‘quality first’ teaching.

For full details of our provision for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, please see our SEND policy and Information Report below.

You can contact our SENDCO, Mrs Holland, by emailing the school office at

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Local Offer

The SEND Local Offer has two key purposes:

  1. To provide clear, detailed, and accessible information about services and support available.
  2. To ensure that young people with SEND and their parents and carers are listened to when local services are developed and reviewed.

Details of the Buckinghamshire Local Offer can be found at

Details of useful support services and agencies are also listed below:

Buckinghamshire SEND IAS

This service provides Information, Advice and Support (IAS).

They help with issues relating to SEND. The service can also help with the Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and the EHCP needs assessment.

Telephone: 01296 383 754


Buckinghamshire SEND Team

The SEND team support children and young people with SEND who already have an EHC Plan, or those referred for an EHCP Needs Assessment.

Telephone: 01296 382 269

Online: Contact form

Buckinghamshire Family Information Service

If you can't find what you're looking for on the Buckinghamshire County Council website or simply want to chat:

Telephone: 01296 383 065


SEND Policy and Information Report:

Please see our SEND Policy and Information report attached below. 

SEND Intent, Implementation and Impact:

Please see our SEND Intent, Implementation and Impact statement attached below.