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Vision & Values

Our school’s vision, aims and values are important for keeping all members of our community focused on our core purpose. The statements below act as a guiding north star for our whole school community and we aim to make all decisions with these at the forefront of our thinking.

We believe that happy children learn. We are committed to providing a welcoming, positive, safe and stimulating environment for children to learn, where everyone is equal and all are valued. Through creating happy memories through our learning journeys, we want all children to enjoy their learning, achieve their potential and become motivated and independent life-long learners.

In Early Years, we provide a safe, developmentally appropriate, nurturing environment that promotes social, emotional, cognitive and physical growth, as well as a positive self-image and a love of learning.

Our behaviour values of Caring, Attitude, Respect, Effort and Safety (CARES) are vital components to life at Waterside.  Through these, we encourage self-discipline and resilience so that all our children experience success and aspire to reach their full potential.

Our Curriculum is designed to encourage curiosity and a zest for learning, with children encouraged to ask probing questions throughout the Curriculum in order to shape their future learning.  The thematic approach of our curriculum gives children the experience of real-life learning, with links to our local community, whilst also taking into consideration current affairs. We want our children to flourish and progress confidently to the next stages of their learning and value the support of our school and the local Waterside community in helping us achieve this – it takes a village to raise a child.

Our overall goal as a school is to equip our young people with the skills and mindset to thrive and then take on life in the modern world.